Our Projects

Home Projects
Asphalt roads site shomrookh Road and asphalt works Saudi Arabian Army
Execution and restoration of roads around the permanent headquarters of the
Ministry of Hajj Al-Hamra neighborhood in Makkah
Road and asphalt works Ministry of Hajj
Construct mountain roads and leveling site Madraka Road and asphalt works Secretariat of the Holy Capital
Rock full curing Road and asphalt works Taif Secretariat
Fences and Asphalt interior Construct Road and asphalt works King Abdullah Air Defense College
The project of rock fragmentation and transport of backfill in Medina Road and asphalt works Sweilem Company
Asphalting bridge almutamarat in Taif Road and asphalt works Taif Secretariat
Construct mountain roads in east and south of Makkah in solidarity Road and asphalt works Secretariat of the Holy Capital
Asphalting Cross of King Khaled Road with Airport Road in Taif Road and asphalt works Advanced Company
pavement works and lighting of alfahd scheme Electromechanical works Sons of the Haramain